Thursday, January 26, 2012

See it swimming

I could not ask for any more from life after today.  It was one of those smooth, effortless, enjoyable evenings.  Parker slept horribly last night so Matt took him this morning so I could sleep in.  We played and played until Parker was pooped (literally) and needed a nap.  Boy did he ever nap, he slept like a rock for 3 hours!  After he woke up we had some lunch.  Parker nibbled on some avocado and the grown ups ate some cheese tortellini.  He has developed such an appetite.  Some days I just look at that tiny body in disbelief and think to myself, "Where does he put it?!!".  Later in the afternoon we got a call from Matt's brother Tony asking if we wanted to go swimming.  We packed up Parker and off we went.

This was Parker's second time swimming and he loves it!  We love it!  For the first 30 minutes I got to snuggle him in the kiddy pool.  He is usually so active I never get cuddle time unless he's eating or sleeping.  I took full advantage of this.  For the last half an hour we splashed and played with plastic motor boats.  It was paradise.

And now I'm holding the most perfect gift I've ever been given as he dreams.  I don't know how I ever became so lucky.

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