Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Week Captured

It's been such a whirl wind lately that I've seriously been slacking on the picture taking and blogging.  Buuuut I have accomplished quite a bit this week.

1. Parker and I have some serious fun in the kitchen and there is soooo much natural sunlight that it's beautiful for photo taking.  I love his little smirk in this shot!

2. It was my 19th birthday on Saturday.  My Dad bought me this beautiful cake with my favorite frosting.  So yummy, thanks Pa!

3. Parker met my Dad's, Girlfriend's Son, Ryder.  He is the cutest 3 year old I've ever met and plays so well with Parker.

4. Parker entertaining himself while I sort through the mountain of clothes he's accumulated.  90% of the time he hates his exersaucer and the other 10% of the time he tolerates it.

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