Thursday, January 5, 2012

home, sweet home.

 This was my chaos last week.

It has been one crazy busy week in the Broadway/Hora household.  We FINALLY have everything moved in.  I've unpacked most of the house while chasing a nearly 8 month old around (yay me).  We've ran into a few snags with our rental.  One being the horrible leak underneath the sink that we over looked.  It has rotted the wood underneath it and has rendered that cabinet useless until it is fixed.  Thankfully our landlord is having someone fix it on Monday.  Minus the few minor repairs, so far I am in love. 

We live right across from the elementary school I attended when I was a little girl and just up the road is the child development center, where my little brother went to day care back in the day.  We have a HUGE backyard and a deck.  I absolutely can not wait to play in it this summer with Parker.

When I get everything unpacked and organized, I will post photos of our humble abode.

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