Monday, January 9, 2012

I was Nineteen.

Yesterday I celebrated my 19th birthday.  I started my day off by sleeping in while Matt woke up with Parker.  My Mother Inlaw came over and babysat Parker so Matt and I could go out for birthday sushi (so delish!).  We collected Parker and went to my Dad's for a steak dinner and cake.  My Grandparents came down from Fort St. John to come see us.  It was a great time.  Later in the evening I met up with my good friend Jen and we went to a few bars for drinks.  This was my first real outing in over a year, the most time I've ever been away from Parker before was 2 hours and oh boy, did I ever miss him! Yesterday made me realize how truly blessed I am to be surrounded  by such awesome people. I had a blast, so much so I barely took any photos!  So here are some of Parker and Juno instead;

I am so impressed with Juno.  We adopted her on boxing day and she came out of her shell right away.  She's so good with Parker.  He's man handled her a few times and not a scratch to be seen on him.  They are for real best buds.  Juno sits and watches as he plays and sometimes joins in the fun.

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