Monday, January 16, 2012

8 Months

Parker is 8 months old, as of yesterday (now that its midnight) and what an eight months its been!  Since you've been born I bought my first vehicle, we celebrated your first holidays, moved two times, adventured in baby wearing, taken a bajillion photos, adopted Juno and so much more.  At eight months old you can crawl with intense speed (watch out Juno!), you just about stand all by yourself and you feed yourself like a champ.  You say Dada, Yeah, sometimes Mama and you're getting really close to saying Cat.  You adore Juno and playing with the Piano your Great Nana bought you.  Everyday you look less like my baby and more like a little person, it's so bittersweet.


1 month

 2 months

3 months

 4 months

 5 months

6 months

 7 months

8 months

 I never thought I'd love someone so much. When you smile, my heart beams, your laugh is like music to my ears and when you cry, I just want to hold you and tell you everything is going to be okay.

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