Friday, January 13, 2012

Perfect Mornings

Yesterday we had a well deserved family day, it was way overdue.  I let Matt sleep in while I made these bad boys.  This is for real one of my fave breakfasts (besides eggs benny, nothing tops that) and its so easy!  Parker had a nap and then off to the pool we went!  This was Parker's first time swimming and we were so stoked to see his reaction.  Once we got into the pool he was so cuddly and docile.  Totally not the reaction I expected from my high energy, play all day, bouncing baby boy. But it was nice to snuggle up to him as we waded through the pool together.  I never did take any photos, but I don't regret it.  I wanted to live in that moment rather than agonize over perfect photos for the baby book.

After swimming as soon as we started driving Parker conked out hard.  We decided to take the opportunity to get some running around done.  The golden arches was our first stop so Matt could get a coffee.  I got one of their new fruit smoothies.  It was soo good, like booster juice kind of good.  I went into Shoppers looking for an agenda (WHY can't I seem to find a half decent one anywhere?!?) and came out with a glass nail file and a chocolate orange.

As we were heading home I suddenly remembered that someone told me that they had found my beloved blue notebook that I had lost a few weeks ago at the CO-OP, so I had Matt make a detour there to grab it.  I am so happy to have it back.  There was nothing personal written in it, but its nice to have a place to jot my scattered thinking down.

All in all we had a fantastic day and I wish more days could be like this.

Did I mention Juno and I have matching manis? (Well sort of)

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