Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fluff Mail!

Boy, do I ever love receiving mail that's not the usual flyers and bills!  Today Parker received a goodmama fitted diaper.  It is so cute and I can't wait to try it out.  We also got a WHAM made Cheshire Cat pocket diaper earlier this week.  I love Alice in Wonderland and this is just perfect!

Lately I've been sorting through my old belongings (mostly my pre baby clothes *sad face*) and selling the stuff that I don't use/wear anymore.  Today I traded an old jacket for a leap frog play table for Parker.  Best trade eveerrr.  He's in love with it and I love the idea of re using, trading or buying used instead of new.

 In other Parker news, he has become a pro at using his sippy cup and waving.  It melts my heart and makes me want to cry a little because my baby is growing up so fast!

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