Tuesday, January 24, 2012


First of all, my poor neglected blog, its been awhile hasn't it?  Matt recently got laid laid off so we've been doing things around the house and spending more family time together.  We're finally TOTALLY unpacked.

It's warming up in Dawson, but hasn't been very sunny which makes for lazy days and watching Horton Hears a Who.  My Nana bought us a carpet and I desperately need a vacuum, my Mom is supposed to bring one over soon though (thanks guys!).

Last week we ventured out to Bonanza to visit Matt's Dad and Grandmother.  Parker just adores them both.  As soon as he sees them his arms reach out and suddenly I become chop liver, haha.  It was refreshing to get out of the house and into some clean(er) country air.  We were all having a major case of cabin fever and this visit was much needed!

Did I mention Parker is exceeding in self feeding.  He refuses to be fed anymore and demands to feed himself.  Goodbye purees, helllloooo table foods!

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