Thursday, December 8, 2011

An Introduction

My name is Janine and I have a wonderful partner and a bright baby boy.  I currently reside in Dawson Creek, BC where I was born and raised.  It's not particularly exciting or interesting here but its not horrible either.  I'm a full time SAHM.  I love that I'm able to stay home with Parker but that doesn't go without saying I go a bit stir crazy here and there.

The handsome lad you see in the photo above is my partner, Matthew.  We met two, going on three years and a mutual friends party.  We hit it off immediately.  He supports us working two security jobs.  He's everything I could have asked for and more.

A year of it just being us, we were told to expect some company!  My pregnancy was definitely very trying.  The first trimester I was constantly sick and EXHAUSTED.  Second trimester was spent on bed rest with severe back pain.  My third, we moved to Fairview, AB into a dorm so Matt could go to school.  It was winter, we had no vehicle, I didn't know anyone, I was heavily pregnant and miserable!

On May 14th 2011 I went into labor.  It was the most painful, challenging, beautiful moment of my life.  Twenty Six hours later on May 15th at 8:33a.m, Parker Dennis Walter Broadway was born.  I remember clearly, the doctor placing him on my chest and seeing little tufts of baby hair on the tips of his ears and shoulders.

Our days are spent monkey see-doing, crawling on the floor, laughing and exploring and discovering new things together.  Never in my life have I ever felt I was meant to do something, till I met Parker.  I cherish these days.

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