Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Our Christmas was insanely busy.  On Christmas Eve we started the day off  having a pancake breakfast and opening a few gifts at Granny D's house.  We later had an old fashioned Ukrainian dinner at Great Grandma Olga's farm.  And we finished the night off with presents at Grandpa Adam's.  Christmas morning arrives in a hurry and we celebrate our first one as a family opening presents and preparing for more Christmas events.  We went to my Dad's house for more presents until Matt had to leave for work, then headed to Pouce Coupe to visit my Niece and  then had dinner at my Dad's house. Parker and I spent our boxing day eating turkey and candied yams (yuuuumm) at Granny D's.    I'm just beginning to recover and relieved the holidays are mostly over.   But all the madness was so worth seeing the fam jam and watching Parker on his first Christmas. 

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