Friday, February 10, 2012

Stay at Home Mom?

We finally got over our cold that's been lingering this week.  Being sick with a cranky baby is no fun at all.  Luckily I had Matt to help out and take care of us sickos.  Our land lord came down today.  I'm so happy everything is getting repaired and updated.  Not going to lie, I was getting a bit anxious waiting for him.  Amongst everything going on Parker stood for the first time all by himself. Oh, did I mention this Mama got a job?  Yep, you're looking at the part time counter girl for a local tattoo studio.  I'm so stoked for some adult time, but I know I'm going to miss my little man so much.

Mommy loves you !


  1. Congratulations on your job! Sounds like a rad job to have too!

    1. Thanks! I'm really excited about it. Now I just have to remember how to interact with adults, haha.
