Monday, February 13, 2012

Pot Luck

We've been spending a lot of time at my motherinlaw, Dianne's, apartment.  It's my favorite spot to take photos.  The lighting is always awesome, and I just love the vibe of her place.  Last night she held a potluck and the food was scrumptious.  I made chilli in my crockpot for the first time.  I love that thing, I don't know how I got by without it (thanks mom)!  Matt also went snowboarding in Powder King, B.C with his brother that day. It was his first time in yeeeears.  Lets just say he's not feeling so limber today ;)

My Mom came over and visited Parker and I while Matt was snowboarding.  It's always nice to see her, especially now that we don't get to see her that often anymore.  Parker smothered her in kisses and showed her how he says cat, in his own special way.

Our land lord finally finished up and went home today.  He's a nice and everything, but seriously it's so relaxing to just be us again.  Land owners stress me out.

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