Wednesday, February 22, 2012

9 months

Am I late or what? Haha.  Parker turned 9 months last week!  He's really starting to thin out and grow vertically.  Parker has also gained at least 3 lbs in a month, he weighs 21lbs now.  With this recent spurt in growth we got him a new carseat.  Originally I wanted the Evenflo Triumph, but they were no where to be seen so we opted for the Safety 1st Guide 65 Ziggy.  I couldn't be happier and it appears Parker loves it too!

At 9 months you can smile, laugh, wave, clap and you have been standing all by yourself recently!  You say dada, mama, yeah and cat.  Eating is one of your favorite things, you especially love pickles.  Everyday I realize  that you're becoming more of your own little person and less of the baby I brought home 9 months ago.

I love you so much Parker.  You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pot Luck

We've been spending a lot of time at my motherinlaw, Dianne's, apartment.  It's my favorite spot to take photos.  The lighting is always awesome, and I just love the vibe of her place.  Last night she held a potluck and the food was scrumptious.  I made chilli in my crockpot for the first time.  I love that thing, I don't know how I got by without it (thanks mom)!  Matt also went snowboarding in Powder King, B.C with his brother that day. It was his first time in yeeeears.  Lets just say he's not feeling so limber today ;)

My Mom came over and visited Parker and I while Matt was snowboarding.  It's always nice to see her, especially now that we don't get to see her that often anymore.  Parker smothered her in kisses and showed her how he says cat, in his own special way.

Our land lord finally finished up and went home today.  He's a nice and everything, but seriously it's so relaxing to just be us again.  Land owners stress me out.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stay at Home Mom?

We finally got over our cold that's been lingering this week.  Being sick with a cranky baby is no fun at all.  Luckily I had Matt to help out and take care of us sickos.  Our land lord came down today.  I'm so happy everything is getting repaired and updated.  Not going to lie, I was getting a bit anxious waiting for him.  Amongst everything going on Parker stood for the first time all by himself. Oh, did I mention this Mama got a job?  Yep, you're looking at the part time counter girl for a local tattoo studio.  I'm so stoked for some adult time, but I know I'm going to miss my little man so much.

Mommy loves you !

Monday, February 6, 2012

Living in the Moment

Today we visited Matt's family.  Today Parker learned how to clap.  Today is perfect.

It's going to be hard when you don't need me to hold your hand anymore.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fun with the Fam Jam

It was a great day.  All the dishes are done, diapers are clean and a few giggles along the way.  Later in the evening we went to a barbeque.  It was nice to see a few friends and family.  But then bed time reared it's ugly head and we went on our way, with a cranky, screaming, (fire breathing?) Parker in tow.

Look what I found in my mailbox, Gold/Ruby Indio 4!  It's so snuggly and I'm in love with the colors <3

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bitter Sweet

It's been so nice just being able to enjoy this week as a family.  Matt is in the process of quitting smoking cold turkey, today is his fifth day.  I'm so proud of him and he's handling it like a trooper (with a few nicfits in between).  Parker absolutely adores having his Daddy home.  He wants to do everything he does.  Cries and follows him when Matt leaves the room.  And giggles uncontrollably when they play peek-a-boo together.  He's going to be such a lost little boy when Matt goes back to work.  And back to work he is going (sorry Parker).  He found work today, and starts tomorrow at 7 am, sharp!

Today Matt's Dad, Adam, brought over a ground beef, zuchini and cheese casserole.  The guy is a culinary genius.  It was so yummy!  I for sure had seconds.

On a side note, I cant wait for all this white stuff to disappear.