Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bitter Sweet

It's been so nice just being able to enjoy this week as a family.  Matt is in the process of quitting smoking cold turkey, today is his fifth day.  I'm so proud of him and he's handling it like a trooper (with a few nicfits in between).  Parker absolutely adores having his Daddy home.  He wants to do everything he does.  Cries and follows him when Matt leaves the room.  And giggles uncontrollably when they play peek-a-boo together.  He's going to be such a lost little boy when Matt goes back to work.  And back to work he is going (sorry Parker).  He found work today, and starts tomorrow at 7 am, sharp!

Today Matt's Dad, Adam, brought over a ground beef, zuchini and cheese casserole.  The guy is a culinary genius.  It was so yummy!  I for sure had seconds.

On a side note, I cant wait for all this white stuff to disappear.

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